Monday, December 5, 2016


Here is today's board with our review of our semester together. You'll get a typed review next class as well.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Travelling Brochure

Here are the links to the videos about Paris we watched. If you missed class you need to watch them and take notes so you can complete the activity (brochure) next class period.

Intro: General Information about Paris

Tips for Travelers

10 places to see in Paris

Top 50 things to do


Monday, October 24, 2016

Likes and Dislikes

Here is the link to our new lesson on likes and dislikes with special attention to ER verbs and their conjugation! Click here to access the lesson 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


We are now able to make a dialogue saying hello, asking how a person is doing, asking someone's name and saying goodbye. Here's an example! You can also click here to access the entire lesson

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Here's a picture of our board after our lesson on Greetings! You can also click here to access the lesson

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Labor Day!

If you're in B2 or B4 you need to complete  and bring back to class the following assignment on Labor by Tuesday September 6th!

Here is a link to the text if you lost it (yea I'm looking at you) click here

Here is a neat little video in French with both English and French subtitles that you should watch, click here

and here is the assignment:

Create a Venn Diagram describing the similarities and differences portrayed in the text about Labor in France and Labor Day in the United States. Your diagram MUST take the entire page. No tiny circles please. Merci!

You may type your work if you want to but it's not required. And here's a picture of that flower the text keeps talking about ;)


Remember the quiz! If you're in A1 you're taking your quiz on Friday September 2nd. If you're in B2 or B4 it's on September 8th! Make sure to study and bring a pencil, we're taking the quiz on scantron! It's a good idea to bring a calculator too, you won't be able to use your phones!Image result for a+

Welcome to French 1

Welcome to French 1!  Here is a link to the lesson on colors, numbers, days and months! click here :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016


Here is a review document of roughly everything we've talked about so far this year. The presentation is not high quality but the content is there. If you're confused in any way, please leave a comment and I'll fix things up. Click here or here or here or even here 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sub Plans: Review Project

Here is the review project you will be working on while I am gone. Click here

Remember this is due on 02/09/2016 and 02/10/2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016